Order Report - Portrait of U.S. Household Wealth: Sizing the Growing Opportunities with Women, Retirees Seeking Income and Emerging Savers
Report Overview
The annual Portrait™of U.S. Household Wealth gives you the power to size segments of U.S retail investors and understand the demand for solutions in the context of the total market. This sizing report provides new data on consumer households and the assets they control by age, wealth groups, lifestage and generation, drawn from government resources and the Hearts & Wallets Investor Quantitative™ Database. This year's report features market sizing on women, the retirement income market and emerging savers.
The new 58-page report features 40 exhibits. See table of contents and sample pages below.
Select Key Findings
- As of mid-2019, consumers controlled $55.6T in investable assets. As of March 2020, due to COVID-19 market volatility, assets are estimated to be around $52T.
- Within the rapidly growing retirement income market, 1 in 4 households age 65+ are drawing 3% to 6% from assets. Nearly half (43%) of older households fall into the "chunk or nothing" drawdown pattern.
- Intra-household financial decision making is nuanced. A third (31%) of women in married/partnered relationships say they are “primarily responsible” for household "spending and investing" decisions. In contrast to only 5% of male partners say their spouse/partner is the one who’s in charge.
About Hearts & Wallets Portrait™ Market Sizing
The annual Portrait™ of U.S. Household Wealth report provides data on consumer households and the assets they control by age, wealth groups, lifestage and generation. Portrait begins with detailed analysis of government data on aggregate markets and applies Hearts & Wallets Investor Quantitative™ Database, the most comprehensive single dataset on retail investor financial behaviors with over 80 million data points on 50,000 U.S. households dating from 2010, needs and buying patterns to the government data.
The report features the popular Portrait Grid™, which allows quick calculations on age and wealth groups with 48 mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive cells across 6 age and 8 wealth groups. The Portrait report also features sizing exercises of market potential for specific products and services of interest to broad audiences. Each year, the Portrait report includes in-depth analysis of topics relevant in current market conditions. This year's report includes analysis of increasing wealth concentration and the factors of change driving it with two historical look-back periods.
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Enterprise+ – Responsive report, download of individual slides for integration into internal strategy documents, plus PDFs for storage in internal reference libraries.* Access to the Hearts & Wallets Client Portal for 1 to 250 users.
Sample Pages

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Methodology, Key Findings & Implications, Favorite Statistics, Related Research
1. Investable asset for U.S. households stood at $55.6T last year and dropped to $52T as of March 2020.
U.S. Households and Investable Assets, Taxable and Retirement Assets, Other Components of Household Wealth, Pension Plan Funding Status
2. U.S. investable assets are concentrated in the 55-64 age group and higher wealth groups.
The Portrait Grid™: Households and Investable Assets by Age and Investable Asset Groups, U.S. Households and Assets by Investable Asset Groups, Age, Lifestage and Generation, Household Projections by Age, Lifestage and Generation
3. Wealth concentration has increased over the past 8 years, but lower-assets households have been saving more recently.
The Portrait Grid™ 8-Year Lookback at Households and Investable Assets, The Portrait Grid™ 2-Year Lookback at Households and Investable Assets, Factors of Change ($B) in 2-Year Lookback at Investable Assets, National, by Investable Asset Groups, by Age Groups
4. Women feel far more involved in money decisions than 5 years ago.
What Women Say: Perceptions of Decision Making about Investing & Spending in Married/Partnered Women, “He Said / She Said” Analysis: Male and Female Perceptions of Decision Making, Portrait™ Market Sizing Exercise: U.S. Retail Investable Assets by Gender Influence
5. The retirement income market is $4.6T, up from $1.1T in 2006.
Households Age 65+ with $100K-<$5M+ by Retirement Withdrawal Rate*, by Year
Retirement Withdrawal Rate as Percent of Assets, 4%+ Retirement Withdrawal Rate, by Year, Portrait™ Market Sizing Exercise: Retirement Income Market
Retirement Funding Metrics, Portrait Content Sections Over Time, Glossary, Sample Sizes
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