Order Report - Portrait of U.S. Household Wealth: Market Volatility and the Enduring Value of Consumer Households
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Report Overview
Know your market with Portrait of U.S. Household Wealth: Market Volatility and the Enduring Value of Consumer Households. Assets fluctuate. But customer relationships are the durable building blocks. Now in its eleventh year, this market sizing and analysis provides a roadmap for opportunities with actionable estimates for current total households and investable assets for the addressable U.S. retail investor market.
In Portrait, detailed Hearts & Wallets analyses connect proprietary data on consumer behavior with top-down government data derived from Federal Reserve Flow of Funds, the Survey of Consumer Finances and U.S. Census Bureau. Pivot by lifestage, generation, age or wealth group to identify opportunities. Fact-based exercises with market sizing and profiling provide insight into personal finance advice market opportunities.
Select Key Findings
- The 127.2M U.S. households control $53.2T of investable assets as of mid-2018, more than doubling in the past 10 years.
- Consumers under age 45 achieved over half of their total gain in assets from new saving rather than from capital markets or one-time events.
The Portrait Grid™ shows the gains in U.S. household assets over the past five years were concentrated in the 55-64 age range and the $5M+ asset group..
How This Report Helps
Marketing, product and strategy professionals will gain insights into:
- Market size for popular targets, such as age, lifestage or generation.
- Behaviors and events that drove changes in assets for different groups year over year.
- Sizing exercises for targets for different combinations of personal financial advice, connecting proprietary facts on consumer behavior with top-down government data..
About the Hearts & Wallets Investor Quantitative™ Database
The Hearts & Wallets Investor Quantitative™ Database (IQDB) is the comprehensive resource for understanding and analyzing behaviors and attitudes of retail savers and investors. With over 1,000 fields and derived variables, the breadth and depth of topics covered is designed with decades of hands-on experience in the marketing, product, service and research functions it serves. The database covers consumers of all age and wealth segments, with over 5,000 annual responses to an online survey fielded mid-year since 2010. The large sample size of over 45,000 U.S. households permits sizing and profiling of virtually any demographic, behavioral or attitudinal definition for consumer groups. Its national weighting methodology allows for comparisons across years and customer/shareholder bases of leading firms.
Publication date February 26, 2019. This 39-page report features 27 data-intensive exhibits.

Executive Summary
Key Findings & Implications, Favorite Statistics, Related Research
Total Market and Components of Wealth
U.S. Households and Investable Assets
Taxable and Retirement Assets
Other Components of Households Wealth
Age and Investable Asset Segments
The Portrait Grid™: Households and Investable Assets by Age and Investable Asset Groups
Factors of Change in U.S. Household Investable Assets, National, by Age Groups, by Asset Groups
Sizing by Age, Lifestage and Generation
Age Group Sizing and Projections
Lifestage Sizing and Projections
Generation Sizing and Projections
Sizing Exercises
Overview of Portrait Sizing Exercises
Portrait Sizing Exercise #1: Complex Situation/Advisor-Guided
Portrait Sizing Exercise #2: Complex Situation/Independent Decision-Making
Portrait Sizing Exercise #3: Lower Complexity Situation/ All Service Levels
Appendix: Generation Definitions, Terminology & Definitions, Sample Sizes
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