Order Report - Investment Products & Asset Managers: How a Mutual Fund Revival Can Overcome Confusion to Get Consumers Investing Again
Report Overview
This report provides actionable insights on the dynamics between high cash and investor confusion. Understand trends in U.S. household asset allocation, product ownership, growth of online brokerage and investor awareness of asset managers. The last third of the report taps into 30 metrics that track asset managers to reveal consumer-reported awareness of shareholder awareness and top performer asset managers.
Select Key Findings
- The average household with $100K-$500K holds nearly 4 in 10 dollars in cash.
- Cash allocations are highest for consumers confused by the plethora of investment information.
- Consumers who own mutual funds tend to be less confused by investment information than those who don’t.
About the Hearts & Wallets Investor Quantitative™ Database
The Hearts & Wallets Investor Quantitative™ Database (IQDB) is the comprehensive resource for understanding and analyzing behaviors and attitudes of retail savers and investors. With an annual sampling wave that includes all age and wealth segments, the database is now composed of over 50,000 U.S. households and 1,600 fields and derived variables stretching back to 2010. The database enables sizing and profiling of virtually any demographic, behavioral or attitudinal definition for consumer groups.
This new 63-page report features 48 exhibits.

Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Key Findings & Implications, Favorite Statistics, Related Research
1. Cash allocations are high and growing.
Average Allocation to Asset Classes: by Investable Asset Groups
Total U.S. Household Investable Assets by Flow of Funds Categories
Cash/Savings Ownership Rates and Average Allocation
Equity Ownership Rates and Average Allocation, U.S. Household Involvement with Equity
2. Consumers are confused about asset allocation and investment products.
Household Awareness of Asset Class Allocation and Investment Products Owned
Double Confusion: “Don’t Know” Asset Class Allocation AND “Don’t Know” Investment Products
Crosstab Analysis: Allocation to Cash by Attitude “I am confused by all the investment information out there”; Allocation to Equity by Attitude “I am confused by all the investment information out there”
3. Mutual fund ownership is declining, and newer products such as ETFs and “robos” have low penetration.
Investment Product Types Ownership Rates
Individual Stocks Ownership Rates and Average Allocation
Mutual Funds and ETFs Ownership Rates and Average Allocation
Automated Portfolios Ownership Rates, Private Equity Ownership Rates
U.S. Household Involvement with Mutual Funds
Crosstab Analysis: Agreement with Attitude “I am confused by all the investment information out there” by Allocation to Mutual Funds
4. Ownership of online brokerage accounts is still fairly limited.
Online Brokerage Account Ownership: by Year, by Investable Asset Groups
Online Brokerage Account Trading Frequency: by Year, by Investable Asset Groups
5. Influence of asset managers is waning because ownership of mutual funds is declining.
Average Number of Fund Families Consumers Own
Consumer-Reported Distribution Mix: by Asset Manager
Mutual Fund/ETF Consumers Who Own Investment Products of each Asset Manager
Total Possible Reach into All Households with Assets, Reach into All Households with Assets
Hearts & Wallets Shareholder Certainty Score
Scatterplot Analyses
Terminology & Definitions, Sample Sizes
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